Investor Invitation Page

This Revolutionary New Pill Counter Presents a Major

We repair various models of pill counting machines manufactured within the last 25 years.

At Electronic Engineering LLC, We Are Currently Building the Gold-Standard for Pill Counters, a Lucrative Investment Opportunity.

In the midst of the modern day economy, digital transformation is taking the investment world by storm. The same applies to the medical industry. Today, medical and pharmaceutical companies large and small recognize the incredible value that automated pill counters provide their operations.

Benefits include but are not limited to:

Saving countless personnel hours that would have been spent counting

Streamlining the counting process for faster turnaround times

Preventing costly inaccuracies that can result from human error

Limiting the risk of contamination that comes from manual counting

Reducing long lines of patients that can quickly form at pharmacies

And more

As small pharmacies grow and scale their operations, purchasing a pill counter is always a top priority. At the same time, pill counters are oftentimes too expensive for these companies to purchase, regardless of how desperately they need one.

On the other hand, established corporations such as CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens, Walmart, and more are constantly seeking to improve company-wide technology and allow individual branches to purchase pill counters after reaching specific prescription quantities.

To capitalize on this expansive market opportunity, our team at Electronic Engineering LLC is developing a next-generation pill counting machine that will redefine accuracy, speed, and efficiency for table-class pill counting machines.

Our pill counter will not only leverage the most advanced technology, but will also cost 40% to 50% less than the industry standard.

Our new technology presents a unique and lucrative investment opportunity. As a company that is well-established for pill counter repair, we at Electronic Engineering LLC already have the network and connections to rapidly market and sell our new pill counters.

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We offer automatic reset the pill counter to zero.

This alleviates the need to press reset button.

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You can order a new tray. Please, use Repair Request Form.

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Power Supply replacement.

Electronic Engineering is offering equipment for special needs of our clients such as:

High speed counters for
small and very small sizes
discrete objects
or metal products, etc.

Organizing cell system
that operated by central
processor for special pharmaceuticals or
similar products.

Creating special system
to keep counting and
control on quality of
products in the different